Onboard static converter PSB1-180-550 28

The on-board static converter PSB1-180-550/28 (hereinafter referred to as PSB) is designed for installation in urban electric transport vehicles and for supplying 28 V DC consumers. The PSB output is a stabilized voltage source with maximum current limitation. The output characteristic of the PSB provides power to on-board consumers with simultaneous charging (recharging) of the battery. The range of regulation and the accuracy of maintaining the set values ​​ensure the possibility of normal operation with both alkaline (nickel-cadmium or nickel-iron) and maintenance-free (sealed) acid batteries.

  • Onboard static converter PSB1-180-550 28
Type of input current DC
Rated input voltage, V 550
Long-term permissible operating range of input voltage, V 350…850
Permissible pulse amplitude (3 μs) overvoltage, V 2500
Current consumption at rated load and rated input voltage, A 11,0
Rated output voltage, V 28,5
Output voltage maintenance accuracy, V ±0,5
Rated output current, A 180
Maximum current, A 190
Efficiency in nominal mode, % (not less than) 86
Overall dimensions, mm 521х448х320
Weight, kg 45